Prashansa Shahani, a 19-year-old is upbeat about the Diwali fun and frolic at her place, “I have pre-Diwali bashes at my place every year and they are oodles of fun. I call friends over and we have games including a round of rummy, but it’s just simple fun with no money involved. There are quizzes and we must play Truth or Dare which is always fun. My parents are very cool about these parties. It’s better than going to a pub because your parents don’t fret about your safety. I’m not into crackers because they pollute, so these bashes are what I look forward to the most, more than the festival itself.”
A combination of the safety factor and there being no curfew, make home the best place to have a party. The card-playing connoisseurs also find an endless stream of enthusiastic co-players. “I attend Diwali parties at my friend’s place every year. I like playing cards and it’s better to play it at such dos rather than anywhere else. I get to play with so many friends which makes it even more fun. Diwali holidays would have been so boring if not for these parties. This is the only time my parents let me really ‘party’ with friends so I love ‘em!” says Mihir Chadda, 17.
As Diwali heralds the party season that peaks at New Year’s, youngsters are also looking to evolve the party venues. This year farmhouses are on the ‘places to be seen’ radar. With large spaces, swimming pools and great locations, the lure of the farmhouse Diwali party is irresistible.
“I like to attend farmhouse parties as there is more space to freak out and if there is a pool, then it just adds to the fun. This year, I’ll be attending two parties at a farmhouse and we’re planning to play cards and end it with a whole bunch of crackers,” says Ajay Ashok, a student of St. Mary’s college.
Source: Deccan Chronicle